RE:GBMDJDawg: What's your estimate of timeline for GBM? Non-GLP and GLP have no diagnostic or therapeutic goals other than safety assessment, correct? Maybe limited therapeutic goals during non GLP animal studies. Then an early phase 1 to establish dosage, then actual phase1, 2, 3, etc.. I'm thinking 5-6 years, going by history vs wishful thinking . What's your take. The majority owners of TLT probably know this and that's why the stock hasn't moved much. Only a BTD for current study will solve that problem.
DJDawg wrote:
GBM is a good choice for next target as the limited treatment options and rapid mortality makes it one of the conditions that is prioritized by review bodies such as Health Canada.
It would not be difficult to recruit patients for a one and done type trial as there are many patients with limited options for treatment at this time.
All in all, if they have money at some point, they could move faster on this than past efforts (I hope).