RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Battered dividend stocks may be buying opportunityRD...Our history lesson learned over Time !974 to 1984 Maxed RHOS accounts & 10 years of term GIC.s & had our first & only home custom built .. Never looked back on any major GIC investing..Used some MF's for returns until 1991 after that ( forced retirement age 46 ) we had Time for much DD to direct market investing..Not a market player & never have been ...just buy hold Div/Dist ++ investor but DO NOT brag about our returns on any public form.. Wish we were more computer savvy to have spread sheets on/in our data base to detail our returns..The CRA & some major charities just love our total net returns...Some of our SH postings & honestity have got us into a few legal adventures ( mostly on political views ) but we continue posting in our OLD age....Wish everyone MAX returns as the CDN market turns daily..TimeBuilder.