"The first criticism is that we will destroy the peatland in our territory. This is classic propaganda and a complete fabrication. We have no such plan or intent. We are maximizing the use of eskers and other geographical features that keep us off the peat. Where we cannot avoid peatland, we will not excavate it. This means that we will not dig any peat out and we will minimize disturbance of peat. If it stays in place, then it can continue to act as a carbon store."
"The second critique is that we have not engaged and consulted other First Nations. As a proponent of the road, we have certain procedural responsibilities. This includes sending out notices and providing information about our projects. No one else has this information or can speak in a more informed way about our projects."
"The third is that there will be unforeseen, large-scale development as a result of the roads and will add to what they call cumulative effects. We are currently building the road to Marten Falls and to the Ring of Fire. We are planning to work diligently to understand the development of Eagle’s Nest at the Ring of Fire, which is a significant source of nickel that is a critical mineral required for net-zero transition. This does not mean that we support unchecked development. This is fear mongering. They want us to be afraid and to be paralyzed by indecision. That is the opposite of what we have done and will continue to do."