RE:RE:Panic-Proof Portfolio Care less about market manipulation. Oil prices always fluctuate, manipulated or not.
About geopolitics, first of all I don't want to hear the name Gueterres. The dude made a few climate speeches a few months ago screaming "the planet is burning!!". What an iddiot, same type as Greta, anti capitalist, anti everything that is successful.
As for the invasion and possible escalation involving Iran and its proxies, it didn't happen two weeks ago and it didn't happen a week ago and this week. I don't really know what will happen and in the meantime, I don't care about oil prices pausing and moving sideways or slightly down.
But this is what I know. CPG is reporting a week from now and I am expecting (or hoping?) the results will be above expectations. I have enough but wanted to buy more. Then Nuttall stepped in and the stock broke above $11. It doesn't really matter a lot but will wait until next week.