RE:Financially speaking FanDuCh wrote: Who the hell really think that Pyrogenesis is dying and that they won't be able to survive the actual situation and close the doors. Pyrogenesis is a company that has been growing rapidly in the last few years with more and more employees and projects in development. They're not going anywhere and their actual clients and the futures ones needs Pyrogenesis technology and solutions. PPP will find the best strategy in the short term to finance and continue Pyrogenesis adventure for many years to come. Fan
What does the company say? As at June 30, 2023, the Company has working capital deficiency of $3,168,366 ($1,650,709 as at December 31, 2022) including cash of $829,583 ($3,445,649 as at December 31, 2022). The working capital is net of an allowance for credit losses amounting to $6,303,840 ($5,023,283 as at December 31, 2022) as further described in Notes 6 and 7”