Robert I am amused that you don't think politics has anything to do with the price of oil or the BTE share price and it appears at least 5 others agree with you. Wow , like the ostrich withe their head in the sand. You don't think the SPR release or Jts carbon taxes have no effect or a ur idiot who wants no Gas guzzlers , new sold after 2030 . Today , it's all. About political interference , especially in the case of Biden and his attempt to retain power. The USA the biggest user of fossil fuels and the flyer of private planes who decries and hates it , then ride a bike or a horse, and in this country we have a Biden Stooge who knows his coming fate for both him and the Libtards whether Biden loses , a good bet or not. . Not one Albertan or Oil man would agree with either you or your associates. BTE owners like you who ignore the obvious , need to give your heads a shake.