What goes DOWN must go UP....the cycle! do we load UP??hi all, well yesterday we had a move like no other on the Toronto Stock exchange and it was overdue since the summer. Also, you all remember my post about the cylce on DF and FFN? I believe it was back in August....So, here we go again! if you buy and sell on these cycles you will make a lot of money. I see many continue to look at the dividend and NAV price. Why? Forget it as the management team at Quadravest control these numbers and you can be at $6 a share an still no dividend. However, we have a share price play again from a crazy low of $2.30 and look at what both these two stocks did yesterday. So do we load up for this cycle again? As Stone Cold Steve Austin would say, "ALL &^%$# YEAH!!!." so lets take a look at the charts...of DF...first see below the trend and it is a money maker but we need to sell once we make money. Right! so right now if you bought in over September and October lows take profits or hang on for some more moves and sell.
now as for FFN, this stock can run fast and it did yesterday with high volume.. This is a good money maker coming and take profits.
now watch the latest video from Chuck and its a good one and this will help move these two stocks higher!!