It's hard to put a positive spin on the cc as it was not what people were expecting to hear as it just repeated the same thing that we already knew.
The CC itself was all positive as it should be but once again has pushed timelines back and no mention of the 90 day definitive agreement which should have happened out of respect to the shareholders even if they said we are still working on it. We did hear that they are still working on a licensing deal for both indications which is better in the long run but now onc is thinking of running a trial with the Roche product but that it would most likely be separate from the hopeful upcoming mbc phase 3 trial as they said they just want to get an approval to move things along. Going to be tough if you can't get definitive agreements signed and start the trial.
Also someone stated earlier that all the analysts predicted that we would have a partnership by yearend which was year 2022 and now 2023 and we are running out of time so let's get this thing moving.
Of course this should all work out EVENTUALLY, so all we have to do is be patient and hurry up and wait.
Also look at the G&A that they reported, from q3 or q2 2022 and increase of 2.8 million dollars for the 90 day period which works out to 31 grand a day increase. Now that's a lot of advertising and yes some was used for consideration of the pp but that is still 31 grand a day increase for general and administrative.
Yep that's me venting