RE:Prediction for adjusted operating earningsLifeisgood thank you for your post. I too believe SU adjusted earnings will be up from Q2. Haven't had a chance to finish my estimate, but I liquidated my Tou stocks on Thursday and reinvested some of the proceeds into SU. I have been wrong many times in the past, but have had a pretty good record in recent history. I believe we will see a nice uptick in share value this week. The WTI price is the one potential downside as there are many hedge funds/shorters/EIA/IEA who are trying desperately to drive down price of oil and unfortunately still too many hedge funds and shorters trying to bring down the share price of SU.and most other Canadian oil and gas equities.
the majority of investment banks/firms are pretty positive on their SU forecasts as the average 12 month forecast is close to $54.