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Theralase Technologies Inc. V.TLT

Alternate Symbol(s):  TLTFF

Theralase Technologies Inc. is a Canada-based clinical stage pharmaceutical company. The Company is engaged in the research and development of light, radiation, sound and/or drug-activated small molecule compounds, their associated drug formulations and the light systems that activate them, with a primary objective of efficacy and a secondary objective of safety in the destruction of various cancers, bacteria and viruses. It operates through two divisions: the Drug Division and the Device Division. The Drug Division is responsible for the research and development of light-activated small molecules primarily for the treatment of cancer with assistance from the Device Division to develop medical lasers to activate them. The Device Division is responsible for the Company’s medical laser business, which research, develops, manufactures and distributes cool laser therapy (CLT) systems to healthcare practitioners, predominantly for the healing of pain.

TSXV:TLT - Post by User

Post by Galaxym31on Nov 09, 2023 12:03pm
Post# 35726305

MDNA Canadian cancer fighter lower market cap than TLT

MDNA Canadian cancer fighter lower market cap than TLT trading at 50 cents . Take a moment investigate .
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