RE:RE:RE:Alberta Battery Hub just got even more possibleWanderer1187 wrote: Apparently NW Alberta brines have identified REEs:
Given the likelihood of the contiguous formations to be highly similar in makeup, I'd say there's a good chance there's some there. Whether they're of high enough concentration to be worthwhile to pull out is another story obviously, but still, given this business case made by REDI, I'd say more likely than not. But I also think they'd only make up something like 5-10% ish of revenue vs lithium, or we'd have already had an announcement about a big find that would move the needle substantially.
I did a post lastvweek on the Alberta Geological saying substantial REE's are in the brine.
There's also a recent AB govt video mention of future scoping too....'re thinking say 5-10%
Remember, they would be brought to surface for free.
No need to grind, crush. Use a magnetic seperator / air nozzle, conveyor belt....then further seperation
I think PEA yearly operating costs was $165m
Chris menrioned possibly magnesium....
Any co-products or combo purpose is to hopefully cover the Opx cost of targeted material, so it's basically free
Like the Alberta report said....AB brine is a potential brine hosted powerhouse