RE:Observation Hey Rundle.
Your observation on the stock, is quite interesting, and one, of the more practical ones, since I've been posting here. Now starting from the top of your post. My beef with Patient is that, he's the kind that, can't just take his money, with his trading ability, and go. He's constantly here, sticking it to the posters like you, and me, who are in at higher evaluations. So when the "Shorting " occurs he chears them on.
Your second point. I think that it's easy to average down here, and still NOT be able to get out of this stock. Because of the heavy "Shorting. I feel for all of us here, that are in this stock. So you can see that people like the Patient, chearing on the "Shorts" is like sticking the knife in, even more which reminds us of our position constantly.
Your third point and very good observation is. That this stock is manipulated to heck. I've been here since 2016, and that's the MO, of the Manipulators. The MM's are the only ones, that can put some kind of stability, to this "Shorting", by reporting this "Shorting" activity thoroghly in detail. They instead participate, for the sake of Liquidity. If the MM's can become the watchdog for the stock activity? Then, possibly and I mean possibly, we can get a little less "Shorting", with their scrutiny. I'm not saying they can stop the "Shorting", far from it. But, they can tell the Authoritative bodies, what they perceive, and maybe, nail a few of these shorts, who have no regard for the stock, because of the lack of the "uptick rule", and especially the "Naked Shorting" that goes on here. I'm with you on who the "Shorters" are? The American Brokerage houses are the Perpetrators, I have long since believed that. But they can't do it without the help of "Bay Street". The Goldman's, & UBS's, all own shares in this stock. Even with the Reverse Split, they are still strong in the shares they hold. So they use the Bomber to play with, because it has a real strong Retail Investment population. Or they maybe paid to do it by Boeing or whom ever. The MM's or Bay Street, won't rat out those power houses, so there you are. It is what it is. I'm in your corner when it comes to this conspiracy theory. It's the only practical answer. Everyone (Banking Institutions) looks the other way.
Now Let's discuss the reality. When the Bomber started on the upswing with the CSeries in 2017/18 the stock climbed from $2 to $5.50, in 1 year. Then it was shattered, when the reality hit the company. That it didn't have the financial strength to take on the Duopoly.
That's the past.
Let's stay focussed here. Fast forward to today, and here we are. We now have the largest Business Jet Manufacturer that now has 1/25th the shares outstanding, and it's almost at the point of +FCF's of $750M, every year. Can't argue with it's financial position there. Of course this will take another couple Quarters, or rightfully all of 2024. But as sure as my nose on my face, this will happen. EM & BD deserve the notoriety, acclamation, for their work. I trully think that PB, and the Families, have got the right people on the HELM to run the BJ division.
Now in conclusion. THE SHARE PRICE The only thing that can happen here is that, the outside Retail Investors, sees this evolution of the company as REAL & Flourishing and they start to buy. That vision may also be 20/20 for the INSTITUTIONAL Investors as well, starting in 2024. If the Institutional Investors, start to recomend the stock to their clients? Then, that's our only salvation. But that can't happen, until the company finishes it's expansion, and investment, in what I call "Rightning the Ship". To which I think it has. We got the Service side done, the Pearson Manufacturing side done, the LTD schedule settled a couple of days ago. So clear sailing ahead as far as I'm concerned. Now we need Patience. Not Patient. Patience for the full year of 2024. Hey we got this far? Some people here have Invested in the stock for over 20 years. What's another year? That's maybe, where I'm a realist, as everyones else's patience here is running thin. Cheers