Look like high quality assets to me and the discount on the subscription receipts ($36.45) is not outrageous.
If the entire over-allotment is exercised (which will likely be the case), a total of 12.2M new shares will be issued. According to TMX Money, CPX currently has toal of just over 117M shares outstanding, so this equity offering will add just over 10% to the count.
The remainder of CPX's part of the purchase price is "...expected to be addressed via senior and hybrid debt financing at the corporate level, subject to market conditions..."
IMO, this is a pricey acquisition for a company the size of CPX, but the behemouth that is Blackrock partnering 50/50 with CPX via one of its businesses should provide some level of confidence that CPX didn't overpay for these assets. The key for CPX is being able to handle the extra debt they will be taking on and what interest rate(s) they will be paying on that new debt - should be reasonable given CPX's cash flow, but interest rates are significantly higher than they have been for years, so CPX will be paying more than they would have say, a year or two ago.
Lastly, pretty typical that the share price would drop to around the offering price per share on the day the deal is announced given the discount offered by the company.