RE:Lithium stocks Agree that from a macro perspective the Li space has been completely massacared based on short sightedness of the investors in this space. Valuations are being based on sport prices from China etc. for juniors that will not be in production for years, Everyone and their grandma knows that these spot prices don't provide a full picture and are manipulated to no end. It's just BS we need to live with if we want to invest in this space. The same way the prices can skyrocket for other BS reasons.
But I have to disagree with managements decisions not having a factor in today's CRE stock price as we are the only near term producer on the Venture. The others on that list only went up on pure hype with no permits in place and we know they wont be producing for years, if ever. So we didnt have the benefit of riding the hype train up since management refuses to hype this project at all, but now get to ride the macro BS train down with the rest of them from a much smaller number. Every single one on your list was higher than $3 for all time high, yet all of them are many more years away from actually / possibly being in production as compared to CRE.
Also, the never ending missed milestones fall squarely on management. If you get everything wrong it makes you look incompetent. I've been here for over 10 years and I honestly can't recall a single milestone date that was met. Don't forget that these are dates they come up with themselves with built in contingency. If they were part of a larger org they would all be removed from the project as there is no way you get to keep your job if you fail to deliver like this. I would be shocked if there is a project manager involved as that would possibly be the worst project manager in project management history, LOL. There is absolutely zero accountability and the compensations packages are only going up.
There is no value being put on where CRE is in the process. Nobody cares that we can have shovels in the ground a week after funding has been confirmed. No other junior is even close to us from that perspective, but yet the market could care less. To me that only means that the market believes that management is going to continue to take their sweet time.
Don't forget that they have a piggy bank worth millions that will continue to pay their inflated salaries regardless if they sign a deal today or a year from now. JSL - over a million in annual compensation for what exactly? Haber, high six figures in annual compensation - I believe I saw him in one interview over the past year where he got the dates all wrong thinking that they would have funding and a partner in short order...that was over a year ago now. Our Investor Relations busy at work signing up institutions.... oh wait. I actually like Eric, but the same old spiel at the interviews and conferences is getting really old... 3D chess, LOL. How about checkers and hit a milestone date for once? Give me a few hundred grand a year and I will also regurgitate the same 3 slides at a couple interviews and conferences for you.
Anyways, it is what it is.