RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Immunogen Inc
Hello Norm and I see you are back to attacking people again as you always do....All I did was question why the trial for panc did not continue on to the next phase as we really did not get an answer, I did not say it was a bad thing and was questioning who might have made the call whether it be the trial investigators, onc, or maybe Roche or a combo of the above....I think that is a reasonable question as it would help give insight as to why this happened and what the next steps would be. I think that most on the boards would say that things have not moved too quickly given the unmet need and that we had fast track for the indication. It is unfortuntate that Pan Can did not pan out as the company and everyone on the boards thought that this was the best thing for the company given the fda's involvement and the prestige of the precision organization. So yes they now have a new plan.
What we do know now is that they are anticipating trial enrollment in mid 2024 but I am sure that will be based on a partnerhsip as chances are the costs of running the trial by themselves would most likely be prohibitive so I am expecting a partnership to be announced in short order or at least I am hoping so.
A lot of these are just my thoughts and hopes.
As for inserting lies here and there, that is not my thing as it accomplishes nothing and if I say something that is my opinion I try to qualify it with IMO.
Venting is another thing as I admit I have not been happy with things are being handled by managment as I do not think they have been that trasparent to the shareholders, one example being the last pp where they would not mention who the buyer was, why was that such a big thing. I have also sent emails asking about financials and the associated costs for example why a 5 million dollar increase in q3 as a breakdown is never given, just associated costs for closing the finanacing and an increase in PR. A 5 million dollar increase in one quarter for this company is a lot considering we had no new trials and most of the other trials have ended.
As I have said some of the above is IMO and just questioning out loud.
Will Roche come forward, I guess we shall know soon enough.
As for the lies, please Norm , let me know which lies I have told and I willl publically apologize as I have always said I will.