RE:Multiple bagger.thx for this lifeisgood. Will take a look.
Some of these smaller service companies could be a nice double+ if caught at the right time.
I have been in McCoy Global (MCB) last few years and its doing quite well.
Small company out of Edmonton, very knowledgeable in the field.
Its funny, some of my best % returns come from these smaller caps that I spend the least amount of time on.
lifeisgood1010 wrote: My biggest holding is by far Suncor but i am using this board to sheed some light
on a small holding of mine(Akita Drilling).I hope it won't offend any.
Stop reading if so, if not, you may discover a multiple bagger by doing your homework
on Akita
Charlie Munger said in his last interview to Becky Quick something like
"Only once in a while you discover a great opportunity and when they come,
you need to take full advantage of them to be highly successful.
I think Akita is one of them.This is a micro,micro,micro ignored small cap.
It's a driller and it trades at less than 3 time traling twelve month EPS.
It trade at less than 40% of book.
It as a net defered tax asset that is not on their balance sheet worth $1.91. This tax asset loss is shielding the company from paying tax until 2031.
Their rigs value estimation from the company latest presentation(September 2023) stands at $11.71. Their rigs in the US are all in the Permian Basin.
Here is the link to the latest presentation.
PowerPoint Presentation ( In their latest quarter reporting,Akita's management said that we will see more activity in Q4 and that 2024 will be a good year.This was corroborated earlier this week by the
Canadian oil and gas producers.They say drilling will increase by 8% next year.
2023 was a very weak market for drillers, yet Akita was very profitable.
They should be again in 2024 very profitable.
The company is using their excess cash flow to reduce debt.
For the patient investors wiling to do their homework this stock will
more than double.I think this will be a $5 stock if not more within 24 months
I own 65,000 shares, so yes i have an interest in sharing these info. with you anonymous investors because Akita flies under the radar
We are probably close to the end of tax loss selling and you can call
me a pumper if you want, but once Akita starts to move, it will move
I am taking the plane tomorrow for a month holiday so this will be my last post of the year on SU board
Nice Holiday to all.
See you in 2024