RE December 7 news release: not a strong showing.23 samples reported from the lab.
- 14 of the grab samples are from boulders (called "float" amongst geologists I know, because boulders have moved, and there's usually uncertainty about where they came from, so it's hard to use them to plan a drill program.)
- Only 9 samples from outcrop.
A table presents nearly all the results.
The two highest Au values are 3.98 and 0.64 g/t.
The 3.98 is from float, so do we care?
The higest Cu (20.4%) is from that same float sample. bummer.
The six highest Cu samples are all >1.4, and three are from float samples.
The seventh one's down to 0.69%.
This was the best the geologists could find?
Four samples have Ag >6 g/t, three of them are float.
If they present the results of only the 9 bedrock samples it looks pretty bleak. why am I here? for the Lithium plays that are the focus of much of the Midland-Rio Tinto joint venture.