Investors"investors appear to have continued to totally discount our pipeline of prospective orders resulting from being designed into modules to be sold in China and apparently do not believe that we will meet our stated objectives of developing and deploying 800G and 1.6T engines, which will result in direct revenue to POET."
Investors do not believe you, because you keep on snowing them with meaningless weaselwords. If your customers delay, you report it, you do not look the other way and say we are right on track, that is non sense nobody buys. That is how your credibility goes down the drain.
That is why just about every poster has been calling for Poet to come clean, publicly. Not via some Fantasy Lander with even less credibility.
People notice the delays and lack of explanation and fill in their own opinion of what has gone off the rails. Which most likely is worse than what actually happened. These are the basic facts of life my friends. Poet lacks the basic facts of life.