R/S next step new management.ceo risked a .07 cent financing to attempt a .14 with an IMC.
This IMC basically “ended” ENDR.
R/s at the all time low.
This gameplan is not working.2024 will be more of the same.
Watch for another financing prior to drilling. $3m wont move the needle.
New investors will get a big discount. it may even hit .04 again.(based on the r.s pattern)Will be hard with only 24-27m outstanding.
The only glimmer of light is Mr.McEwen put his couch money into this.
There wont be any drilling news until Q3 most likely.
Could the IMC be waiting until endr is on firesale.Purchase all endr shares post split for .14cents.
This company is all smoke.
There is endless dilution and it may bloat back up to 270million f.d
The r.s should of happened prior to crystal lake becoming endr.ceo was too invested and now the situation is finance and drill until who knows when.
2026 was the target. Not likely with 3m drill program.
Please hit .04 post split.
might as well play the last days dumping some before the consolidation because post r.s will most likely be lower.