RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:IPO PriceMe, again
I should have Highlighted this guy too :
(Yantai City Dahedong Mineral
Processing Co. Ltd.*), a limited liability company established in
the PRC on 14 December 2009, a minority shareholder of Yantai
Zhongjia which held 25% of the entire equity interest in Yantai
Zhongjia, and is a connected person. As at the Latest Practicable
Date, Dahedong was owned as to 50% by Mr. Kong Fanbo, and
the remaining equity interests held in equal share of
approximately 16.67% by each of (i) Mr. Kong Fanzhong; (ii)
Mr. Wang Lei; and (iii) SDZJ
In any case ,if any of these guys are related, they are pretty much dictating what is happening with the mine.