RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:ONC...The sky is NOT falling!! This is from the website which governs insider trading.
"You may exercise vested Company stock options at any time. However, you may only sell the shares that you obtain from such exercises by complying with the pre-clearance procedure during the open Window Period. In addition, you must not possess material nonpublic corporate information when you sell these shares."
I believe this is how Andrew G was able to exercise his options even if he was in possession of material information and this also shows that the insiders (management of onc) could have exercised their options IF they wanted to.
But as stated, we do not know yet if the options have been exercised or expired as this has not yet been declared on sedi.
I am trying to get a clarification from sedi on the reporting timeframes as on their website it states 5 calendar days from what I read but the reporting timeframe may be different if in possession of material information.
So even if they have insider information, they can exercise the options, but then they cannot sell the shares.