Going ForwardGolden, LOL
If finding sources were easy, I'd be doing instead of keyboarding it. No matter how much information we think we have at our disposal, the company geos have far more, and I have a lot of confidence in our management.
The good news is that the previous old work (60s and 70s) has dramatically under reported both intercepts, and grade. The bad news is that These areas will have to be redrilled. Judging from the depths drilled at the southern strike limit, I have serious doubt that much if any of the drill core was kept intact upon retrieval of core. Also with the angles drilled at and the great flexibility in the small diameter of pipe, the drill contractor probably had little idea of where the drill pipe actually ended up.
See high likely hood that Steve can push this deposit further south as well as both up and down dip. With a little more pushing out of the envelope of previous drilling, and re evaluation of old work, I'm already seeing real potential of 10 million tonnes, with an average grade of perhaps 4+%.
Judging from recent market behaviors, somebody else is seeing same.
Best of luck longs, and don't do a surething by staying 100% long. Get your initial costs out early, and ride the rest for free......one of the best words of advice, but seldom taken by dummies like me.
happy NewYear all