RE:RE:RE:Biden Doubling Down on the Insane?Funny! (NOT!)
last year after the election, there was a computerised study of all US presidents going back to the start of the depression 1930. Only two scored WORSE than Trump.
Hoover was hurt by the depression and the worst score was LBJ who did not even want the job
and lost the V,N, War badly.
Today?? Employment has never been higher. Sure Biden is too old for the job and he needs to retire.Yes, the Border is bad that is beacuse Biden is too soft, too nice to crack down.
BUT If Trump gets back in, The USA will be economically destroyed and stock market will, over time go down 20% All other world leaders will not meet with him, laugh behind his back. His only friend on world stage is Putin, who has Trump under his thumb.
The world does NOT need some one who is a BIgot, Racist. Mysoginist, and has run several companies into the ground. (been bankrupt himself twice.) If it was NOT for daddy's money 45 years ago. Donald would be parking cars for a living. Bye.