RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:black out is over, but where's the beef?
I feel the science is good and has great potential, but managment imo has not taken it where it should be. Think about it, They have not even continued on with the next phase of any of the goblet trials even though they all met the succesful criteria to continue on with the trials which should have been seemless. Why are they not continuing to enroll? Simple question.
And I am not rehasing old news, IT is the company which gave us a rehash and were not even upfront in regards to cash on hand when they said we had 12 months of cash but that was as of Sept. 30th, not as of today so we are now 3 months out on cash, so how are they going to run the panc trial. Big money raise and dilution again and you think this is a good thing, well I guess it is because at least they will start up the phase 3 trial (anticipation hopefully sometime in 2024). Let's just hope that the next money raise is not with a hedge fund which surprisingly the stock is now down 50% since 10 days before the pp announcement.
Kinda hard to get out at these prices and move on as most my investment was bought pre consolidation so down only about 90% and look at the track record since the consolidation in regards to shareholder value. We were at around 10 dollars and where are we now.