2021Gamble wrote: Hey @1234bmth, if you don't want to play guess the low of the day, that's fine....
But as you <should> know the fluctuations during the day have nothing to do with anything rationale as they are driven by shorters, hedge funds and investment houses.
BTE traded 8415.3k shares today across the exchanges, with 12398 trades for a whopping 678 shares per trade.
Of those trades, 49.98% occurred on the ATS, with an average of 670 shares per trade
Even with the run up at end of day, the average price today was $4.0744, with the low on the day at 4.03...
So ya, I'm predicting a gap down tomorrow morning to $3.98 because the shorters and manipulators still need a few more shares, and they wash traded millions of shares today, and closed the stock at 4.15 - they'll be hoping to trigger some stop losses....
Oh, and I also believe we'll be retesting that 52 week of $3.83 before too long, as the shorters are not done playing here with BTE...
To each there own I guess.... But "facts, logic, market sentiment, negative oil news, negative economic news, negative market news.." have so very little to do with intraday trading it is funny you should suggest it...
Anyway....cheers, and all the best on any and all trades you make
1234bmth wrote: You are forecasting $3.98 based on what? (facts, logic, market sentiment, negative oil news, negative economic news, negative market news...), this is funny just forecasting a number with no valid arguments makes no sense.