Post MergerI’m thinking that post merger NHK ground will probably never see exploration activity in the foreseeable future. Moneta’s latest PEA (Sept 2022) recommends over $110 million in additional exploration, metallurgical, environmental...etc work to advance deposits to the next level (but still shy of a production level decision). My guess is that Newco will elect to spend on their east Timmins deposits (which have much better infrastructure, access, mill availability, work force availability, permitting etc.), than on their more remote projects in the NWT (perhaps sell them or spin those out at a later time). Looks like that’s what NHK shareholders want as well, to be invested in east Timmins properties, that come with their own metallurgical, structural, and geological challenges. Let’s hope Newco can deliver a better track record with the drill. Good Luck to all.