Let The Drills Be Our Friends IMO here, this first Aussie JORC resource will be re-written into Canadian terminology called a 43-101.
/This news release by AWM, on their WEB , of jorc will stay the same when re-written,.into Canadian 43-101//
Mining, exploration offers the market a show and tell in the way of drill results which in BAY"s & AWM have showen the market a 200,000 tn copper or $2b in value at copper price. which a Independent qualified re-port This official re-port currently being re-written should be out in couple weeks..
PS,.The resource 43-101 will again double here or more just from the surface drilling being expanded this spring.I prefer more surface drilling at this time seeing the high grade copper sitting on surface. In Mining stripping off surface copper rather than deep mining is much cheaper as seen here in report.
The report mentions only 4 surface totals were taken from the four zones which have new names and the new finds like thunder,Lightning etc are still to come..
PS, NOT RINGING MY BELL HERE, RE-CALL this post from Dec 3 which i stated what we are seeing to-day, 200,000 tn of copper, and an-other 2-3 hundred thou tons near by,..
This just proves that there is nothing new about mining, , numbers are numbers which can be followed..and put into a report. On the trading side of the equation,.It"s called flip the news it|s about making pennies..
Post by
traps7on Dec 03, 2023 8:48pm 211 Views
Post# 35766315
40 Million Tons Resources
, tune into video @ 13: 20 sec Response from Dave, Appro: 40 Million Tons of Resources, just on the surface main 4 zones. Alot of drilling next spring will double the -strike zones at surface .,
ps, IMO , 40 Million tns x 1 % = 400,000 tns of copper concentrate = $ 4 Billion..
BAY,..20 % x $ 4 B = $ 800,000 Million ,,just scratching the surface,,,
S,.Good Video on Storm explains the whole process coming..
Let The Drills Be Our Friends