RE:New Deep Dive interviewA couple of nuggets in this interview;
a. 1000 MDC are lit up, or 2% of the 50,000 are providing sub revenues
b. baseline revenues are north of 20 and approaching 30 (that implies baseline rev of. north of $5M and approaching 7.5M (likely due to upgardes of camera systems in the K-12 market)
Given that breakeven rev. are about $5M per quarter and Q4 did not have any large contracts (that we are aware of) at $7.3M, we may be on our way to continue the 5 quarter streak of positive earnings (given Q2 will show positive earnings) moving forward. The lumpiness in rev will no longer result in a quarterly loss due to the rise in baseline rev. That would make the stock very palatable to a whole bunch of investors.