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Gatekeeper Systems Inc V.GSI

Alternate Symbol(s):  GKPRF

Gatekeeper Systems Inc. is a Canada-based provider of intelligent video and data solutions designed to provide a safer transportation environment for children, passengers, and public safety personnel on multiple transportation modes. It uses artificial intelligence, video analytics, and mobile data collectors to inter-connect public transportation assets within a smart city ecosystem. Its platform-as-a-service business model is centered around wirelessly enabled mobile data collectors which forms the foundation of its data company evolution. It engineers, manufactures and distributes high-definition mobile video and data solutions for a range of markets including school districts, law enforcement, public transit authorities, as well as the United States military. Its video management and video analytics software may be used in mobile or desktop applications for managing video evidence of incidents. Its solutions include Purchek, Business Intelligence, CartControl and CartManager Ultra.

TSXV:GSI - Post by User

Post by 1bananamanon Feb 05, 2024 10:52am
Post# 35862984


DATA CENTER      The first I heard about the data center was about a month ago pertaining to recurring revenues. Am I understanding this correctly? Are the costs of doing analysis on a singular school district basis prohibitive, making a data center that can process all school districts together the beauty of the data center itself? Is the idea to be like UBER, a universal keeping administrative costs down and providing a valuable service? Am I seeing DD's picture correctly, because if the goal is to corner a market niche, that would be a way certainly to do it! Is the reason for the spike in volume the data center, Velocity or both? It seems DD has a vision beyond my personal scope to building a billion dollar operation! Personally have my "ON BOARD" pass and can hardly wait to arrive at the destination. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck and walks like a duck, it probably is a duck! GLTA LONGS!
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