RE:QH on NRI have seen this before , when there is a lot of panicking selling. Talked with Tony today & he is still positive on this. I am too , I have a lot invested in this. To me he started really late in the season. He said his hope is to start drilling again in April , depending on the weather, He did get gold in every drill & most of his drills were out testing new areas outsde the exsisting areas. Sure they were not outrages numbers but they still cme up with results. Tectonic reminds me of a play in Ecuador called Aurilian. Talking to Keith Baron & he told me about people panning a lot of gold out of the river. He looked up on the mountain & said it has to be comming from there. He found the biggest gold find of that time. Remember drilling some dry holes there to.Same story here . people panning lots of gold out of the river , they looked at the most likely place for the gold to be coming from & that place is Chichen mountain. Talking to Tony & he does not sound down at all ,. In fact he is looking forward as he plans out another drill season. Wise guy , where did you get the info on Quintom taking about the results.