RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Something gonna happen?Thanks Muckster. Youre correct TUD only has a resource, not reserves although the measured component is usually viewed with the same certainty as reserves and part of indicated as well (inferred is always ignored). Many companies on TSX without reserves so you motivated me to look it up.:
Advanced Property [bold/italics added] detailed in technical report prepared by an independent qualified person. Minimum 50% ownership of property. What does "advanced" mean? TSX says in the note: "TSX will consider a property to be sufficiently
advanced if continuity of mineralization is demonstrated in three dimensions at
economically interesting grades. Based on this and the low grade, I think it would be wise to have a PEA to back up the economics of the grade before applying for listing (who knows, they might have already - they used to talk about )
2) Working Capital: Minimum $2,000,000 working capital and appropriate capital structure.
Sufficient funds to complete planned programme meeting G&A1 costs, property payments and capital expenditures for 18 months. Might or might not be able to meet this one. They certainly never have enough funds to cover more than 6 yto 9 months of planned program but they could always argue planed base program is much smaller and covered with funds on hand
Having looked it up, I dont think were there yet.
remucker wrote: i think to be listed on tsx they have to have proven resources of a certain dollar value . . i may be wrong but i believe tuds resources are measured and indicated and not in the proven and probable catagorey