You're not too sharp BOY , get it right (Inside/within) ,your TFSA ,you can hold whatever equity,cash you desire. Keeping everything (INSIDE) your TFSA , you can buy and sell ,and change equities as you wish. If you hold QIPT in your TFSA,and want to sit with cash,no problem ------------------- IF : you need some or all of the funds in your TFSA for whatever purpose,you can take out cash as you require. That same amount of cash you took out must be paid back in ,BEFORE you can contribute any new money .---------- Need a new car ?? $50000 ,take it out of TFSA if you have a gain , then you must put $ 50000 back into TFSA , before you can contribute new money . There is no set limit to that type of use.---Taking (small) cash out and back in frequently ,WILL be flagged.------------ Any short term trading ,is outside of TFSA.---------TFSA is for high growth plays GSI/TMG