I got back into gold a little over a year and a half agoat the time when i could cleary see the days of keeping the POG subdued would be coming to an end. The ever expanding national debt picture was the catalyst for that. I knew the debt expanded and expanding to the extremes it had at the time would require ever more monetary expansion to continue to feed a debt bloated economy built on debt if it was going to survive under its own weight. That inflation would ultimately explode beyond the confines of manipulative restraint and algorithmic control. That it is taking a little longer than i had hoped for is immaterial, its coming nonetheless.
The restraints and controls still keeping gold subdued to this day still from breaking out are going to break down and vanish completely.
Get in early at rock bottom prices while the restraints and controls gripping the POG are at this time now only hanging on by their fingernails.
I got out of gold stocks and stayed out 14 years from mid 2008 as ther was no real catalyst forthcoming then to eliminate the manipulation suppressing gold. Nonetheless i held a few shares of AMK from its inception. loading up on the dips over the past year and a half as the time for gold to shine genuinely inches ever closer now.