Some things just take time...Summary for the new people on this board....
Aug 29,2022 450 day CR% =21%.
Nov 29,2022 '' '' =28%.
May10,2023 '' '' =30%.
Aug 29,2023 '' '' =33%.
Oct 16,2023 '' '' =34%(Optimized).
Nov 29,2023 '' '' =36%(Optimized).
Jan 15,2024 '' '' =39%(Optimized).
Big Pharma Deal....
If TLT get BTD in the second/third quarter of 2024 we could see a Big Pharma Deal before year end.
If you extrapolate with the above CR% numbers, you can easily assume that the CR% at 450 days in the third/fourth quarter of 2024 could be over 45%CR(Optimized).
A Big Pharma deal with a 25%CR% at 450 days could be worth $$$???million.
But a Big Pharma deal with a 45%CR at 450 days could be worth $100 of million more.
I agree the delays are unpleasant, but the reward could be worth it.
Warrent Buffet said '' No matter how great the talent or efforts, some things just take time''.