opinion/fyiSoon I believe, NCF/Sisson will release a positive updated economic/production feasibility study which will reflect their addressing of EIA issues, permits, engineering/design, updated resource, and economics. It's obvious to me in my opinion what the stock price is and what it has been. The market has justly not yet recognized the value and Todd has gambled and taken advantage of the market. The Todd group has now aquired an ~ 83% ownership of the Sisson project at a very cheap price. At this point I believe the remaining 17% ownership remains in the hands of you/me (other non-Todd NCF shareholders) and management(NCF/HDI). Once the UFS is out, I believe news on financing/construction/off-takes will be forth coming and that's when things will change. We may even have a buy out of Sisson. What is Sisson worth on a buy out, that is the question? Recent buy outs such as Osino has shown that the market will pay from 3% to 5% of the metal value in the ground with a completed resource and EFS which Sisson has and will be shortly updated. I believe Sisson has ~ $15B CAN worth of APT/Moly. in the ground and will increase with the update. I believe Sisson is worth between $450M and $750M CAN and possibly more after the updated EFS. Pre-update, shares of NCF are worth $0.66 to $1.10 CAN on a buyout. My guess $0.70 CAN/share. If Todd buys out the remaining 17% at $0.70, it will cost them ~$75 to $85M CAN. In the end Todd will have paid ~$160M CAN for a project worth 3 to 5 times that. They took the risk so it is just. I just wish they would get on with it. What will the market do? All we can do is watch and/or participate.