GREY:VITFF - Post by User
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givemeabreak1on Mar 04, 2024 10:23pm
Post# 35914895
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:VGCX 2021 Q3 Production 55,827 Ounces
RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:VGCX 2021 Q3 Production 55,827 OuncesHB
You are correct as to the idea of paying debt however, it can be problematic in the mining industry.
1. Depends on what interest rate your debt is set at not different than a mortgage if you have a below market rate paying debt is not always the smart thing to do.
2. In mining never fails problems occurr you do not want to be negotiating debt at much higher rates! Nor do you want to be going hat in hand to banksters if you need the money as they will take a pound of flesh!
3. If they plan on developing Raven the money would be best spent on early construction phases as financings will be dilutive and new debt would likely cost much more.