Our Product is Worth DiscussingWe have at least one accountant who has worked in gold mining, someone who comments on paper gold, someone who knows a thing or two about charts and so forth--where is our product gold heading. We have bitcoin erratic but generally heading north. My view is that it's not so much a contest but more like which one is the anchor store for the mall, which one is the anchor Walmart and which one is more like another big store in the mall. I think there's more synergy than anything---they will tend to attract more people together, attract more buyers to safe haven as gathering storms persist. There's no gravity, the world sucks as the saying goes. Can the Fed risk lowering rates as the economy continues to thrive, soft landing inevitable or is it the lull before the crash landing, lots of things are oversold or soon will be. Grist for the mill, narrative spinners welcome. IMO