Detour 2 lower AISC higher gradeIn Quebec With HALF the power cost. Market cap ex CASH on hand 30 MILLION!!!??? Thanks to continuing brokerage manipulation and Five million four hundred thousand ounces of HIGHER grade gold on a postage stamp. SIXTEEN BILLION CAD and greatly expanding this year with Martiniere Bug lake . Our only problem is an ( Detour East) NOV. 2020 ???incompetent self serving board trying to find new ways to go on their knees for the owner of Detour . Sean Boyd's Agnico owns 10 percent of Wallbridge at 52 cents per share . Eric SPROTT personally owns 17 percent at 42 cents per share at a cost of double our market cap ex cash.!!! We are all cashed up well into 2025. Will be sold within a year. SPROTT will never accept less than 4 to 5 times his 5 year investment of 63 MILLION in CASH at 42 cents a share from Boyd. Agnico will outbid any offer from another major. In my personal opinion less than 10 percent of OUR stock and Market Cap IS NOW REAL RETAIL. Aside from the Quebec Pension Plan and our Directors WHO IS THE OWNER of the OTHER 50 percent of OUR STOCK?.. ?. Our market cap ( thanks to our incompetent??? Self serving Board ) and share price is completely disconnected from reality. GLTAL REAL REMAINING RETAIL WALLBRIDGE INVESTORS. 100 Bagger Buy and Hold. I'm taking a shower now to wash off the slime.