What's the deal with the price??Yesterday FFN closed at $5.71 then today it opens at $5.63 and closes at $5.67 But at the end of today's seassion it's shown as having a gain of $0.07 rather than a loss of $0.04 meaning the opening price was actually $5.60
Why did the price drop by $0.11 between yesterday and today? I know today was the ex dividend date but I always thought that the market price was allowed to float free from the NAV but that does not appear to be the case. But if the market price is directly impacted by the dividend why did it only decrease by $0.11 and not the $0.19 that went towards the dividends? Or is only the dividend for the common shares taken out?
In any case it's seems rather misleading to indicate the price rose today compared to yesterday's close.