RE:@PierreThere are so many possibilities out there! So it really depends what kind of return you want Mr B. Are you talking majors, mid size or still early stage with a resource like Sirios?
Early stage lots of companies under-value or no value from years of financings at low share prices so you really have to pay more attention to their market cap!
If you do not mind country risk! Loncor 3.5 million ounces open pit well over 2 gpt. They have 12 million in cash and just began drilling under the pit which may very well contain 1 to 1.5 million more ounces. Largest gold mine in Africa owned by Barrick about 100-150 miles away so likely a target for takeover should there drilling be successful. Lot's of upside NPV over 1 billion with like a 50 million market cap.
Another good one Thesis about 5 million ounces gold equiv and growning. Again high grade pit and underground expansion drilling.