FFN dividend yieldThe TSX continues to show that FFN has a dividend yield of 13.692% . In the real world we have a yield of 23.905% which my TFSA trading account confirms. This puts them up to 8th on the TSX Top Dividend list and if this list was cleaned up it would be around 3rd or 4th depending on how you interpret dividends. Not too shabby for a split with a solid portfolio of stocks and a growing dividend clearance above $15. For those who use the TSX site for research etc their mistake could deter people from choosing FFN. When we look at the real dividend yield of 23.905% for FFN this makes it very attractive as long as we continue to follow daily the NAV, Thanks as always to people like Mouserman and An Educator. This is one of the best times I can remember to be trading the Splits .