RE:Scotia influenceto put into perspective, each of those batches is only $40K for a company now worth over 70 million). Feels like one big retail investor's just eager to de-risk and trim their position after the big rise for GSI.V the past year. No matter how good the valuation is even after the stock price increased, we're held back by that trading psychology and it will take time to re-rate the valuation
It takes time for true undervaleud picks to re-rate (keyword true, since always have to be careful about value traps). Latest example I have is JXN, bought it when PE was literally under 1 (book value was like 0.2 at the time), it took like 3 years since its spin-off for it to re-rate closer to the sector average. Was a nice 2x from the time it was under PE<1, probably more upside coming for everyone still holding that but I sold to put some of that profit money into GSI.V
cant fault people having to trim their positions prematurely now that it probably grew to larger position of their portfolio than they're comfortable with for risk management, pullbacks will be part of the journey to re-rating