RE:On the Verge? I'm feel like something is cooking I just finished saying on this post precisely one week ago:
"On our FB, Warren Sergeant is with Bundeep in Paris. Warren Segeant is listed as the "head of finance" at Glass Ventures and he was the CFO of PremFina at one time to my understanding. Maybe he'll be our replacement of a CFO too. Not sure. Because ours is listed as an interum CFO. And Cheryl Kong abandoned us."
Then PR today announces Warren as our new CFO. Lately, they are issuing PRs on the heels of my speculations. Do I have suggestive thought so? If so, let this be the next PR please:
Along these lines: We are hiring competent markerters to get the word out about our company. Along with an analyst that projects a 10 cent valuation of all comes to fruition in the next year. One with a massive following on Seeking Alpha, and a proven history of moving stocks.
Also, fire our market maker please. The new one we got last year. Just out of principle. Any market maker that doesn't manipulate our stock to our satisfaction gets canned. No reason needs to be given. Find somebody that can produce.
Don't forget than in this world, nice guys finish last. You can say that again in regard to Fineqia. I just hope they finish. It's not guaranteed that ethical, nice people can finish. We've been conned along the way. No more breaches of trust, please .
So far, so good. Perhaps a new CFO means more complicated maneuvers. Like revenue and revenue projectonis. That would be a nice start. REVENUE.
Can we get our product to launch, and talk about massive clients and billions of dollars of inflows now?