TD and CIBCI see both institutions are still working the stock, as they are many other stocks. TD is like a virus infecting nearly every stock I invest in. These institutions have exempt status in shorting so they can short endless amounts of shares. Both have already been implicated in naked short-selling practices.
It would be nice if the Canandian government would crack down on this destructive practice and allow Canadian companies and other companies on Canadian stock exchanges to flourish. Allowing companies to succeed provides services, products, jobs/careers and taxes. Why the government can't see that they are greater positives than negatives to stopping naked short selling is beyond me. Some countries like South Korea have already put a ban on institutions and hedge funds from naked short selling.
Please make your voice heard on this issue. It is YOUR investments that are being affected by allowing these institutions to continue this illegal practice.
Here is the contact address for the Ontario Securities Commissions Investor Advisory Panel:
Send them a message and pass this on to other boards as this needs to be dealt with.