RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:COMPETING offers??Goldnorte wrote: Hey you guys, I think you misunderstood what I said about hearing talk about Barrick's interest. What I'm hearing is not that they are looking only at AR but the whole ball of wax including AGI. A full swooop of the kit and caboodle. It,s only talk from my fellow miners and not even an opinion on my part. I was just giving input on someone's question.
Probably within 12 months.
Barricks needs low cost production as their current production is dropping while AISC increasing every year.
Alamos would solve both problems but won't come cheap, rumors is by year end, but let's see Argonaut deal close first as that will put Alamos over 650k oz annually.
Ultimate goal is Island/Magino operation exceeding 500k oz annually once Magino mill is expanded to 15-20k TPD while Island is producing 4k + TPD of high grade ore. This is what Barrick is after but they won't wait for that too materialize and will snatch it sooner.