The Big Bet on Big BetsHat tip to Cat for pointing out the Big Bet that Daniel Herr made on Dundee which in itself is a series of Big Bets. His fund somehow managed to buy 13,072,091 shares representing 15.2% of the company as of March 31, 2024.
The FDA updated Alheimers approval process.
Gold is hitting records.
Other elements in the period table rip. I felt like I was in the twilight zone with my very oversized Dundee position. Was I the only one who saw that the reward to risk was off or was I wrong? Risks can change quickly so maybe I missed something?
While I do not know anything in particular about the Pointillist Global Macro hedgefund nor Daniel Herr, I take comfort in knowing that their 15.2% position is somewhat illiquid so they likely did their homework before buying a big stake in a series of big bets.
This big bet could payoff spectacularly well for Daniel Herr and his investors!