RE:RE:RE:Money Mark's comments "ROBUST" means strong and healthy, and DD has used that word to describe both Q1 and Q2! Probably haven't sold any because of that word, which meant 6.3 mil plus 3,5 mil for Septa, or 9.8 mil! Since using that word, Money Mark has endorsed the stock and moved it up and a data center of unknown value has been introduced. Would very much surprise me if Q2 came in less than 10 mil, and would not surprise me at all if came in at say, 13 mil, or 8mil plus 5 mil for Septa! That would put Money Mark's hopes of 9c/share into reality, and allow the data center to begin recurring revenue. Other than that, having been involved since May, 2020, have no idea what the answer to this question is " If the LA deal was reversed and GSI had to come down 3.2 mil to get the deal, which is what Hayden was faced with, would DD come down or is he comfortable with the core business of K-12 market and the rest is gravy unless meeting profit margins? Any thoughts would be appreciated I GLTA LONGS ! Have to believe the data center and the timing around it suggest it being the "NEXT BIG LEG UP"" and elevating the SP to a completely new level!