Quinlash - can you provide any examples of MF bashing a company, buying that company's stock - and then pumping the company?
Any at all? One?
In Tilrays case and their most recent article - it seems they just laid out factual information, which was negative - but certainly not bashing. The facts are the facts.
Your attempt to discredit them is a transparent and obvious.
They said negative things about your Hexo as well - they certainly had no intention of buying them
Comment by
quinlashon Apr 25, 2024 11:27pm 3 Views
Post# 36008628
momocau wrote:
MF tends to bash companies they are buying then they flip the narrative and start pumping the be-jeepers out of the ones they want to run.
Just be very mindful of their articles and read the fine print at the bottom of each article.
Over time you'll spot the pattern