Two strikes and no balls Strike 1 : $3.9 million dollar judgement against the company for nonpayment of an employee/breach of contract and allegedly one of the inventors of the proported technology (but since there were no patents who really knows if they had anything)
Strike 2: SEC investigation (normally that's not a good sign)
So what will be a strike three?
Criminal investigation?
Will the RCMP be looking into this?
oh hey wait a minute.... this company was re-domiciled in the US of A, right?
Wouldn't it then fall onto the FBI, department of Justice and other criminal agencies?
Stockprobe, is Ed still in DC, you know, right where he supposed to be (go figure)
It might be time and a good idea to head to a less corrupt country like Venezuela or Cuba.
If they can charge, indict and convict (before a trial), a former president of the United States for fraud and fine him half a billion dollars when no one was actually defrauded they must be able to do something with these guys?
Not long now!
Right Bigrig?