Maxmoe You make some very good arguments in favourofSharebuybacksbut l must respectfully disagree with you.You also post on BTE board and after years and tens of millions , would you care to show where buybacks added to Shareholder value , a better dividend would more than likely received a better reception as it is real money , not some make believe fiction that may or may not materialize and mgmt is quite aware of the attention span of retail investors so ignore the millions already wasted but tout the good times ahead with another round of garbage financial engineering.On another note Max, do you intend visiting your ancestral home inNova Scotia this summer.I heard they are predicting an extremely active Hurricane season with particular focus of Nature looking at the Maritimes. Instead of the Caribbean like they used too.PunishedintheWinter and now it seems the summer. Time both us and GXE caught the break we both deserve.